Provider Forum – Business Analysis

A report on the recent BA forum, held at BCS London.

The latest product forum for Business Analysis took place at the BCS London office on 24th January 2017.  Hosted by the L&D Product Manager, Steve King, and BCS Partners, the event welcomed representatives from key Accredited Training Organisations and subject matter experts.

The forum is designed to engage with our training providers, examiners and subject matter experts to discuss the future of Business Analysis in industry, the value of the BCS curriculum pathway versus our competitors, and how we can develop the product to be a market leader, in the UK and globally.

There was some lively debate across the room, with Steve leading attendees towards setting up working groups, to further discuss key elements before the next forum.  There was positive feedback from the training providers about this kind of engagement.

For more information on our Business Analysis product, please contact Steven King,